- Humidity - 2.2%
- Ash - 2,1%
- Volatiles - 12.1%
- Carbon - 83,5%
- 20 кг - 0,025 m3
- 60 кг - 0,076 m3
- 100 кг - 0,127 m3
- 140 кг - 0,178 m3
- 300 кг - 0,381 m3
- 500 кг - 0,635 m3
- 700 кг - 0,889 m3
- 1000 кг - 1,269 m3
*Price may fluctuate due to currency rate and your location because of different shipping costs. Our manager is always here for you to discuss individual order conditions!
- Humidity - 2.2%
- Ash - 2,1%
- Volatiles - 12,1%
- Carbon - 83,5%
- 20 кг - 0,032 m3
- 60 кг - 0,096 m3
- 100 кг - 0,160 m3
- 140 кг - 0,224 m3
- 300 кг - 0,481 m3
- 500 кг - 0,801 m3
- 700 кг - 0,121 m3
- 1000 кг - 0,602 m3
*Price may fluctuate due to currency rate and your location because of different shipping costs. Our manager is always here for you to discuss individual order conditions!
- Humidity - 2.2%
- Ash - 2,1%
- Volatiles - 12,1%
- Carbon - 83,5%
- 20 кг - 0,026 m3
- 60 кг - 0,077 m3
- 100 кг - 0,128 m3
- 140 кг - 0,179
- 300 кг - 0,383
- 500 кг - 0,639
- 700 кг - 0,894
- 1000 кг - 1,277
*Price may fluctuate due to currency rate and your location because of different shipping costs. Our manager is always here for you to discuss individual order conditions!
- Humidity - 2.2%
- Ash - 2,1%
- Volatiles - 12,1%
- Carbon - 83,5%
- 20 кг - 0,030 m3
- 60 кг - 0,090 m3
- 100 кг - 0,150 m3
- 140 кг - 0,210 m3
- 300 кг - 0,450 m3
- 500 кг - 0,750 m3
- 700 кг - 1,050 m3
- 1000 кг - 1,499 m3
*Price may fluctuate due to currency rate and your location because of different shipping costs. Our manager is always here for you to discuss individual order conditions!
- Humidity - 2.2%
- Ash - 2,1%
- Volatiles - 12,1%
- Carbon - 83,5%
- 20 кг - 0,026 m3
- 60 кг - 0,077 m3
- 100 кг - 0,129 m3
- 140 кг - 0,181 m3
- 300 кг - 0,387 m3
- 500 кг - 0,645 m3
- 700 кг - 0,903 m3
- 1000 кг - 1,291 m3
*Price may fluctuate due to currency rate and your location because of different shipping costs. Our manager is always here for you to discuss individual order conditions!
- Humidity - 2.2%
- Ash - 2,1%
- Volatiles - 12,1%
- Carbon - 83,5%
- 20 кг - 0,028 m3
- 60 кг - 0,084 m3
- 100 кг - 0,139 m3
- 140 кг - 0,195 m3
- 300 кг - 0,418 m3
- 500 кг - 0,697 m3
- 700 кг - 0,976 m3
- 1000 кг - 1,394 m3
*Price may fluctuate due to currency rate and your location because of different shipping costs. Our manager is always here for you to discuss individual order conditions!
- Humidity - 2.2%
- Ash - 2,1%
- Volatiles - 12,1%
- Carbon - 83,5%
- 20 кг - 0,028 m3
- 60 кг - 0,085 m3
- 100 кг - 0,141 m3
- 140 кг - 0,198 m3
- 300 кг - 0,423 m3
- 500 кг - 0,706 m3
- 700 кг - 0,988 m3
- 1000 кг - 1,411 m3
*Price may fluctuate due to currency rate and your location because of different shipping costs. Our manager is always here for you to discuss individual order conditions!
- Humidity - 2.2%
- Ash - 2,1%
- Volatiles - 12,1%
- Carbon - 83,5%
- 20 кг - 0,030 m3
- 60 кг - 0,090 m3
- 100 кг - 0,150 m3
- 140 кг - 0,210 m3
- 300 кг - 0,450 m3
- 500 кг - 0,750 m3
- 700 кг - 1,050 m3
- 1000 кг - 1,499 m3
*Price may fluctuate due to currency rate and your location because of different shipping costs. Our manager is always here for you to discuss individual order conditions!